
Hogar > Productos > Cañón de agua de fuego > Panel de operación de campo del monitor de incendios > Panel de operación de campo del monitor de incendios

Panel de operación de campo del monitor de incendios

El panel de operación de campo es el equipo de operación de campo de Fire Monitor para espacios grandes. Adopta una pantalla de cristal líquido y una operación de tecla. Se comunica con el monitor de incendios y el host de control a través del bus CAN, ocupa una dirección en el bus CAN y puede establecer una dirección de cualquier monitor de incendios para el control de campo, a fin de realizar la operación y el control remotos. Generalmente, se instalan uno o más monitores de incendio a la salida del primer piso de cada compartimiento de incendio, que pueden operar y administrar todos los monitores de incendio en la zona y facilitar una evacuación segura. Durante el funcionamiento, el monitor de incendios controlado actualmente se puede seleccionar mediante la tecla de selección y la pantalla de cristal líquido; se puede controlar la fuente de alimentación del monitor de incendios y la válvula solenoide configurada para él; se puede mostrar la alarma de incendio, falla, el estado de manual y automático para el Monitor de incendio, la válvula abierta y la activación de la bomba; También puede controlar la válvula de encendido y apagado, la bomba de encendido y apagado, la conversión de estado de manual-automático, etc.

Descripción Así es como funciona

● Flechas arriba, abajo, izquierda y derecha: se utiliza para controlar la dirección de los monitores de incendios;
● Silenciar: se utiliza para eliminar el sonido de la bocina. Presione esta tecla para confirmar después de configurar los parámetros;
● Selección anterior: seleccione el número de Fire Monitor en la lista de la pantalla de monitoreo;
● Siguiente selección: seleccione el número de Fire Monitor en la lista de la pantalla de monitoreo;
● Automático: mantenga el monitor de incendios en modo automático;
● Manual: mantenga el monitor de incendios en modo manual;
● Valor de apertura: presione para abrir la válvula solenoide;
● Valor de cierre: presione para cerrar la válvula solenoide;
● Arranque de la bomba: presione para enviar la señal de bombeo encendido;
● Apague la bomba: presione para enviar la señal de apagado de la bomba.

Características del producto:

Equipo indispensable
Un monitor de incendios debe estar equipado con un panel de operación.

Parametros del producto:

● Voltaje de funcionamiento: 220 VAC
● Consumo de energía: ≤20W
● Modo de comunicación: bus CAN
● Modo de visualización: pantalla táctil LCD a color
● Método de instalación: colgar en la pared
● Tamaño total: 18cmx18cmx5cm

Aplicación y servicio posventa:

Ámbito de aplicación: estructuras y edificios industriales de uso general, lugares de alta ocupación, grandes edificios espaciales, por ejemplo, aeropuertos, estaciones de tren, museos, plantas industriales, grandes centros comerciales, grandes almacenes, centrales eléctricas, minas de carbón, colegios y universidades, etc

●Up, down, left and right arrow: Used to control the direction of Fire Monitors; ●Silencing: Used to eliminate horn sound. Press this key to confirm after setting parameters; ●Previous selection: Select the number of Fire Monitor in the list of the monitoring screen; ●Next selection: Select the number of Fire Monitor in the list of the monitoring screen; ●Automatic: Keep the Fire Monitor in automatic mode; ●Manual: Keep the Fire Monitor in manual mode; ●Opening value: Press to open the solenoid valve; ●Closing value: Press to close the solenoid valve; ●Start the pump: Press to send the signal of pump-on; ●Turn off the pump: Press to send the signal of pump-off.  Product Features: Indispensable equipment One Fire Monitor must be equipped with one Operation Panel.   Product Parameters: ●Working voltage: 220 VAC ●Power consumption: ≤20W ●Communication mode: CAN bus ●Display mode: Color LCD touch screen ●Installation method: Wallhanging  ●Overall size: 18cmx18cmx5cm  Application and After-Sales Service: Scope of application: General purpose industrial buildings and structures, high occupancy places, large space building, for example, airports, railway stations, museums, industrial plants, large shopping malls, large warehouses, power plants, coal mines, colleges, and universities, etc3●Up, down, left and right arrow: Used to control the direction of Fire Monitors; ●Silencing: Used to eliminate horn sound. Press this key to confirm after setting parameters; ●Previous selection: Select the number of Fire Monitor in the list of the monitoring screen; ●Next selection: Select the number of Fire Monitor in the list of the monitoring screen; ●Automatic: Keep the Fire Monitor in automatic mode; ●Manual: Keep the Fire Monitor in manual mode; ●Opening value: Press to open the solenoid valve; ●Closing value: Press to close the solenoid valve; ●Start the pump: Press to send the signal of pump-on; ●Turn off the pump: Press to send the signal of pump-off.  Product Features: Indispensable equipment One Fire Monitor must be equipped with one Operation Panel.   Product Parameters: ●Working voltage: 220 VAC ●Power consumption: ≤20W ●Communication mode: CAN bus ●Display mode: Color LCD touch screen ●Installation method: Wallhanging  ●Overall size: 18cmx18cmx5cm  Application and After-Sales Service: Scope of application: General purpose industrial buildings and structures, high occupancy places, large space building, for example, airports, railway stations, museums, industrial plants, large shopping malls, large warehouses, power plants, coal mines, colleges, and universities, etc4●Up, down, left and right arrow: Used to control the direction of Fire Monitors; ●Silencing: Used to eliminate horn sound. Press this key to confirm after setting parameters; ●Previous selection: Select the number of Fire Monitor in the list of the monitoring screen; ●Next selection: Select the number of Fire Monitor in the list of the monitoring screen; ●Automatic: Keep the Fire Monitor in automatic mode; ●Manual: Keep the Fire Monitor in manual mode; ●Opening value: Press to open the solenoid valve; ●Closing value: Press to close the solenoid valve; ●Start the pump: Press to send the signal of pump-on; ●Turn off the pump: Press to send the signal of pump-off.  Product Features: Indispensable equipment One Fire Monitor must be equipped with one Operation Panel.   Product Parameters: ●Working voltage: 220 VAC ●Power consumption: ≤20W ●Communication mode: CAN bus ●Display mode: Color LCD touch screen ●Installation method: Wallhanging  ●Overall size: 18cmx18cmx5cm  Application and After-Sales Service: Scope of application: General purpose industrial buildings and structures, high occupancy places, large space building, for example, airports, railway stations, museums, industrial plants, large shopping malls, large warehouses, power plants, coal mines, colleges, and universities, etc5●Up, down, left and right arrow: Used to control the direction of Fire Monitors; ●Silencing: Used to eliminate horn sound. Press this key to confirm after setting parameters; ●Previous selection: Select the number of Fire Monitor in the list of the monitoring screen; ●Next selection: Select the number of Fire Monitor in the list of the monitoring screen; ●Automatic: Keep the Fire Monitor in automatic mode; ●Manual: Keep the Fire Monitor in manual mode; ●Opening value: Press to open the solenoid valve; ●Closing value: Press to close the solenoid valve; ●Start the pump: Press to send the signal of pump-on; ●Turn off the pump: Press to send the signal of pump-off.  Product Features: Indispensable equipment One Fire Monitor must be equipped with one Operation Panel.   Product Parameters: ●Working voltage: 220 VAC ●Power consumption: ≤20W ●Communication mode: CAN bus ●Display mode: Color LCD touch screen ●Installation method: Wallhanging  ●Overall size: 18cmx18cmx5cm  Application and After-Sales Service: Scope of application: General purpose industrial buildings and structures, high occupancy places, large space building, for example, airports, railway stations, museums, industrial plants, large shopping malls, large warehouses, power plants, coal mines, colleges, and universities, etc6


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